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What should you avoid when transitioning to Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self-Assessment?

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Welcome to the Orchard Accountants blog. This is our hub of information where we will detail company developments as well as provide news and insight into the ever-changing world of finances and accounting. If you read something which strikes to your interest, and you’d like to learn more about a particular topic or service we provide, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.

What should you avoid when transitioning to Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self-Assessment?

From April 2026, the Government’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) initiative will move to target self-employed individuals and landlords. If you earn over £50,000 a year,…

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Preparing for the second payment on account – and what happens when you can’t pay?

If you are a Self-Assessment taxpayer, it is almost time to make your second ‘payment on account’ – advance payments towards your tax bill. Those…

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Due a tax rebate? Keep an eye on your account

In a new initiative designed to reduce paper use and unnecessary confusion, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has announced a significant change to the way…

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April Fool’s Day is passed but you could still get scammed

April Fool’s Day, a time of jokes and jests, may have been and gone...  (more…)

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Five Self-Assessment deductions you didn’t know you could claim

With the Self-Assessment deadline passing on 31 January, it’s clear that many sole traders and business owners aren’t using allowable expenses and deductions to their…

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100 days until the Self-Assessment deadline: Are you ready?

We are now only 100 days away from the Self-Assessment tax deadline on 31 January 2024.   (more…)

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How HMRC’s new online tools can help you simplify taxation

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has always been at the forefront of embracing technological advancements to make tax-related processes more straightforward for businesses and individuals.…

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Self-Assessment benefits for small businesses

As a small business owner, you are probably familiar with the term ‘Self-Assessment’. While many entrepreneurs link Self-Assessment primarily with the yearly tax ritual, it…

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Staying up to date with MTD for ITSA

In December 2022, the plans for Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self-Assessment changed again, as the Government announced that instead, MTD ITSA would be…

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