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Making Tax Digital for Income Tax-Self Assessment Easier For Landlords

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Welcome to the Orchard Accountants blog. This is our hub of information where we will detail company developments as well as provide news and insight into the ever-changing world of finances and accounting. If you read something which strikes to your interest, and you’d like to learn more about a particular topic or service we provide, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.

Making Tax Digital for Income Tax-Self Assessment Easier For Landlords

Making Tax Digital (MTD) for Income Tax Self-Assessment (ITSA) represents a significant shift in how individuals, including landlords, must report their income and manage their…

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Cloud accounting isn’t right for my business! We disagree.

We have come across this common misconception time and time again from business owners who want to embrace the power of cloud accounting but don’t…

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How can you leverage automation in your accounting process?

Most businesses are already using cloud accounting software to manage their finances. However, not all of them are taking full advantage of automated processes to…

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Cloud-powered accounting: Advancing beyond traditional cloud accounting systems

In modern businesses, cloud accounting has now become the norm rather than the exception. (more…)

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