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Be prepared for changes to Corporation Tax in 2023

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Be prepared for changes to Corporation Tax in 2023

The 2023-24 tax year may seem a long way off, but it is important that companies are prepared for changes to the system a little more than year down the line.

The main rate of Corporation Tax (CT) will rise to 25 per cent for the financial year commencing on 1 April 2023, but it is slightly more complicated than the headline figure and the rate will vary depending on company profits.

How will companies be affected?

For companies recording profits of £50,000 or less, the ‘lower profits limit’, the current CT rate of 19 per cent will still apply, but those firms with profits between £50,000 and £250,000, the so-called ‘upper profits limit’, will pay the main CT rate of 25 per cent.

However, they will receive what is known as marginal relief to cut their tax bill which increases the rate incrementally, as profits rise, until the upper limit of 25 per cent is reached for firms with profits of £250,000 or more.

The lower and upper profit limits are reduced proportionately where the accounting period is less than 12 months. They are also reduced where a company has one or more associated firms.

Broadly, a company is associated with another company at a particular time if, at that time or at any other time within the preceding 12 months:

  • One company has control of the other
  • Both companies are under the control of the same person or group of persons.

Effectively, the full amount of CT at the rate of 25 per cent is calculated before marginal relief is deducted. The marginal relief calculations are based on offsetting ‘augmented profits’ against the total taxable profits.

According to HMRC, ‘augmented profits’ are the company’s total taxable profits plus exempt distributions from non-group companies.

These include dividends, distribution of assets or amounts treated as a distribution on the transfer of assets or liabilities or the repayment of share capital.

The calculations are quite complex so your accountant will be able to help you with assessing just how much CT you will have to pay to HMRC.

Contact us today for more help and advice, our expert accountants offer a comprehensive corporation tax service

Link: Corporation Tax Charge


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